
Culture Change

Making Your Social Media Successful I have this discussion with every person who approaches us about social media marketing.  It seems the same false perception that has pervaded the website world (build it and they will come) also has leaked into the social media realm.  In case you haven’t noticed, there is a lot of…


A Plea to Angie’s List

Dear Angie’s List: I’ve seen your four or five commercials.  Over, and over, and over again.  I get it–the painter stormed out of the room, his red shoe leading the way…  Sheeesh!! Because these few same commercials have been running incessantly for what seems an eternity, whenever they appear on my boob-tube it’s like fingernails…


Be a Savvy Shopper

Use your smart phone to save money The National Retail Federation expects U.S. holiday sales to increase by 2.3% this year; a 1.5% increase over last year.  If you plan on increasing your holiday spend this year, why not make sure you’re getting the best deals? We have been showing our clients the capabilities of…