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Flash is in the Past!

In the past, many older websites relied on a program from Adobe called Flash Player to run graphics. Often it was used in homepage pictures, sliders, and all over. Website owners could rely on Flash Player to display information on their business website. But no longer!

As of the start of 2020, Google Chrome has joined the ranks of browsers which no longer support Flash Player. In the cutting-edge world of web design, technology changes and best practices are updated. With newer web development platforms like WordPress, the need for our beloved Flash Player fizzled out. Flash held on as long as it could, but it’s time to remember it fondly and move towards the future, or in this case, the present.

So, what does it mean if you’re still rocking Flash Player on your website? Let’s say you’re using Flash Player as an image or video slider on your homepage like most folks. Now, when someone visits your website, instead of that slider, they’ll see a whole lot of nothing! Is your logo in that Flash file? Do you have important sales information in there? Well, your website visitor is none the wiser. Time to bring your website into this century, or decade at least.

Contact us today to get a free quote on updating your website. A new website will not only get your site up to date, it will help your customers move more easily around your site, and be able to contact you more readily. Not to mention the search engine gains you can receive.

Are you experiencing financial struggles during the era of COVID-19? We’re here for you at Webtivity Marketing & Design. Ask us about how to get monthly terms, and how you can pay off your new website in easy, low, monthly payments.

(941) 753-7574 X107

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