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Manatee Association of Realtors Workshop

Preparing for the Rebound

Today I had the pleasure of presenting a workshop to a talented group of real estate professionals at the MAR Tech Tune-Up Conference.  Part of what I really love about my job is meeting new people who work in various industries,  come from different backgrounds, and look at the world from diverse perspectives. Then of course the fun part is applying online marketing principals to each of their businesses and creating a marketing plan to help them grow.  To say the real estate market in Florida has been challenging would be a colossal understatement.  So I wasn’t really sure how a workshop about “preparing for the rebound” would be received.

One of the first questions I asked the group today was whether they felt we are already in the rebound, if the rebound will happen in the next year, or if they felt the rebound would be 2+ years in the making.  I was pleased to see a large portion of the group either felt we are beginning the rebound or it is on the near horizon.  Not only did it make my presentation all the more relevant to the group, but it is also fantastic to see optimism in the business community.

The overarching theme of my presentation was the mechanics of how the rest of internet and search engines work in relation to your website.  So many in our industry target the instant gratification beast in all of us and sell the “get #1 rankings in Google tomorrow” message to make the quick sale.  Sometimes it’s tough to be the antithesis of that message and fight against all the noise, misinformation and clutter.  By educating our clients and providing informational workshops we hope to help our audience understand the basic principles of what is involved in a strong internet marketing strategy, help arm them with the right questions, and prevent them from falling for the myriad scams.

I’d like to thank the Manatee Association of Realtors, Angie Cegnar and Jeannie Flynn for inviting me to evangelize about my passions!

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