QR Codes Used by Airports Across the U.S.

Traveling over the holidays can be a pain– ask anyone who got stuck in the airport over the holidays!  But over the past few years the airline industry has streamlined the process for tech-savvy travelers.  Mobile check-in and flight alerts are just some of the benefits travelers can take advantage of.  For those of you who came to my workshop on QR Codes and Microsoft Tags, you may remember I talked about using QR technology to generate paperless tickets for sporting events, concerts and flights.

How many of you saw signs like the one at the right while you were traveling over the holidays?  If you flew out of SRQ you didn’t see it because they aren’t offering the service yet.  But if you flew from TPA you could have used a paperless ticket to expedite your way through security.  In fact there are approximately 54 airports across the country offering this service, and soon Ft. Myers will be adding this service too!

If you haven’t downloaded a QR Code application to your smartphone yet, go to QRcurious.com using your smartphone and select the app that will work best for your phone.  If you want to make a free QR code for your business we have a free QR Code Generator on our website.

Hope you had a great holiday!

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