SEO Scam #10

“You can be a part of our network of clients!” We frequently talk to our clients about short-term gains vs. long-term benefits.  Consumers don’t realize many tactics used by their SEO company is focused on the short-term.  Don’t be confused by what I’m saying here:  Search Engine Optimization is a long-term commitment that requires a…


SEO Scam #8

“We’ll give you a free trial!” This is a scary one.  Search engine optimization entails a lot of work.  There is no one in their right mind who would give it away for free, especially at the beginning of your campaign.   There is a ton of research, analysis and setup required to get your campaign underway, so…


Brand consistency

Bear Creek Veterinary Alternatives is a holistic vet in Sarasota that combines conventional veterinary medicine with holistic approaches such as acupuncture, herbal treatments, homeopathy and more.  Before coming to Webtivity for web design services they already had brochures, business cards and other print collateral designed.  It was imperative to use their existing imagery and develop…


SEO Scam #7

“You got 10,000 Hits this month!” Some of you may remember those old “Hit Counters” that used to be on the bottom of every website.  Ever wonder why Hit Counters went away?  Because it’s not a useful SEO metric!  You should be tracking the number of “Unique Visitors” to your website, not Hits.  That’s because…